[Passarinhando no Brasil] 27-28 / October / 2012. Ibiraci, MG

[Passarinhando no Brasil] 27-28 / October / 2012. Ibiraci, MG

On October 27 and 28, 2012, I travelled with my wife to Ibiraci, MG.

It’s the city where her grandmother lives. On the night, I met Douglas Fernando, a friend of mine who knows the region a lot.

He took me to a place where I could see and photograph this amazingMottled Owl.

[Passarinhando no Brasil] 27-28 / October / 2012. Ibiraci, MG

On the way home, thisScissor-tailed Nightjar was in the road.

Hydropsalis torquata Ibiraci 27 10 12 IMG 29453

On the next day, I returned to the same place I photographed the Motteld Owl, to explore the place during day light, and could get these pictures.

Rupornis magnirostris Ibiraci 28 10 2012 IMG 29491
/ Rupornis magnirostris

Basileuterus flaveolus Ibiraci 28 10 12 IMG 29502
Flavescent Warbler / Basileuterus flaveolus

Chiroxiphia caudata Ibiraci 28 10 12 IMG 29508
/ Chiroxiphia caudata

Heterospizias meridionalis Ibiraci 28 10 12 IMG 29511

The next pictures were in a different place.

Amazonetta brasiliensis Ibiraci 28 10 12 IMG 29480

Syrigma sibilatrix Ibiraci 28 10 12 IMG 29562

Hope you all enjoy it.

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Jefferson Silva

Jefferson R. de O. e Silva

Jefferson Silva is based in Brazil and is a project manager for software development projects. He has been birding since 2004. Jefferson has created the first Brazilian birding website, which was kept running from 2005 to 2009. He has created the birding group for Campinas and region, with around 20 members. Since 2011, Jefferson has traveled searching for new species, photographing as many as he can, and sharing all experiences, trying to make people understand how important any form of life is.

Jefferson Silva

Jefferson Silva

Jefferson Silva is based in Brazil and is a project manager for software development projects. He has been birding since 2004. Jefferson has created the first Brazilian birding website, which was kept running from 2005 to 2009. He has created the birding group for Campinas and region, with around 20 members. Since 2011, Jefferson has traveled searching for new species, photographing as many as he can, and sharing all experiences, trying to make people understand how important any form of life is.

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