[Passarinhando no Brasil] August 2012 – Exploring a piece of forest nearby

[Passarinhando no Brasil] August 2012 – Exploring a piece of forest nearby

Recently a friend of mine invited me to bird in a piece of forest in his city, close to my city.

The picture below shows the area where we went.

Due to the size (about 3km extension, 500 meters in width), we believed we could find a few nice species in there.

[Passarinhando no Brasil] August 2012 – Exploring a piece of forest nearby
Piece of forest

I’ve been there three times, twice during the morning, a once at night to search for some owls.

Below are some of the pictures from these two mornings. Hopefully I can bring some more nice species pictures in the next weeks.

ThePavonine Cuckoo is not an easy finding species. It was a huge surprise to find it in such piece of forest.

Dromococcyx pavoninus Jagaru%C3%ADna 05 06 12 IMG 16648
Pavonine Cuckoo/ Dromococcyx pavoninus
Dromococcyx pavoninus Jaguariuna 11 08 12 IMG 16723
Pavonine Cuckoo / Dromococcyx pavoninus

Another nice surprise, theHylocryptus rectirostrisis another specie not that easy to find, even harder to photograph.We were too lucky to have played it back, and few seconds later it landed close to us.

Hylocryptus rectirostris Jagaru%C3%ADna 05 08 12 IMG 16688
Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner / Hylocryptus rectirostris

And as in always forests, some butterflies were around.

Jaguariuna 11 08 12 IMG 16732
Jagaru%C3%ADna 05 06 12 IMG 16668
Jagaru%C3%ADna 05 06 12 IMG 16660
Jaguariuna 11 08 12 IMG 16719


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Jefferson Silva

Jefferson R. de O. e Silva

Jefferson Silva is based in Brazil and is a project manager for software development projects. He has been birding since 2004. Jefferson has created the first Brazilian birding website, which was kept running from 2005 to 2009. He has created the birding group for Campinas and region, with around 20 members. Since 2011, Jefferson has traveled searching for new species, photographing as many as he can, and sharing all experiences, trying to make people understand how important any form of life is.

Jefferson Silva

Jefferson Silva

Jefferson Silva is based in Brazil and is a project manager for software development projects. He has been birding since 2004. Jefferson has created the first Brazilian birding website, which was kept running from 2005 to 2009. He has created the birding group for Campinas and region, with around 20 members. Since 2011, Jefferson has traveled searching for new species, photographing as many as he can, and sharing all experiences, trying to make people understand how important any form of life is.

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