Petition: End Animal Cruelty at Shriners Circuses Now

Petition: End Animal Cruelty at Shriners Circuses Now

Shriners International claims to be dedicated to compassion and service to others, yet its chapters continue to host notoriously cruel animal circuses.

Video footage recorded at Shrine circuses has shown jabbed with a sharp bullhook, whipped in the face, bison pulled by rings in their noses, and other animals suffering in despair.

An animal behavior expert reported that although circus trainers, ringmasters, and other staff members have claimed that the animals at Shrine circuses perform tricks as a result of rewards and trust, “what actually occurs is environmental and physiological neglect, psychological abuse, and coercing the animals to behave through dominance and fear-based techniques.”

Keeping far-ranging tigers inside cramped cages, forcing sensitive elephants to perform meaningless tricks under the threat of punishment, and dressing up animals in demeaning costumes are forms of speciesism—a human-supremacist worldview—and these practices must end.

Tell Shriners International to require that all its chapters’ fundraisers be animal-free.

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This article by Nicholas Vincent was first published by One Green Planet on 14 March 2025. Lead Image: Image Credit :HelloRF Zcool/Shutterstock.

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