Just one night more and then the last two of the Dutch Knights, a team of dedicated Dutch birders, will head to Israel to participate in the Champions of the Flyway.
A unique fundraising event where 16 teams will be competing in a trilling 24 hours Big Day in the southern Negev desert around birding hotspot Eilat.
Egyptian Nightjar by Marc Guyt / www.agami.nl
The Champions of the Flyway is dedicated to preventing the illegal killing of migratory birds on the Africa-Eurasian Flyway. In August 2015, the shocking extent of the slaughter around the Mediterranean was revealed by a study “The Killing” published by BirdLife International. Around 25 million birds, mainly songbirds, are killed illegally there by shooters and trappers every year! Download a copy of this definitive report here.
The Dutch Knighs are one of the supporting teams, raising awerness to these slaughter but also trying to raise money for the cause.
Want to support the Dutch Knights and the migratory birds??
Please leave your donation here.
All donations will go to the protection of our migrating birds in Greece. They need your help! Every bird counts!
The event will be held on March 29th. More information about the event here: www.champions-of-the-flyway.com/.

Marc Guyt
Marc Guyt is a Dutch photographer and owner of birds & nature stock agency AGAMI. A Wanderer by birth, Marc has always made his way to the door searching for new adventures. Even at three years old he sneaked out and left his parents searching and they usually found him somewhere near an open area or some water edge. The need to see for himself was strong. The combination of Birding, photographing and travelling has brought him to many stunning places on this beautiful globe, and it will bring him no doubt in many more. It is in his blood. Owner of Dutch stock agency www.agami.nl.
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