Got a whole bunch of rain here today and therefore the birds got pretty soaked, which I always find rather cute. The Carolina Chickadee shakes it off, the Cardinal looks a little bummed, and the White-throated Sparrow just doesn’t care. Speaking of birds, I watched two chickadees this afternoon going all out in some courtship behavior. I didn’t want to upset them by going out with the camera so I just watched the male feeding the female through the front window. Aww..spring!

Jill Wussow
Jill Wussow, 31, is a seasonal field biologist, nature photographer and nomad. She has worked with several federally endangered bird species (including the Golden-cheeked Warbler, Black-capped Vireo and Piping Plover), sea turtles, and bats all over the United States. She is rarely in one place for more than a few months at a time and her whereabouts are often confusing. Field work has given her great opportunity to travel often and meshes with her passion for wildlife and nature photography perfectly. Through her photography, Jill hopes to convey her love and respect of the natural world.
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