Everyone who has been in Florida, observing and/or photographing the reddish egret is always looking for its feeding dance. However, other members of the egret family also dance for their meals. In particular, the snowy egret will demonstrate multiple behaviors while searching for food.
In the article on the snowy egret on the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology Birds of North America Online Site describes its behavior which it uses while catching prey. “Broadest behavioral repertoire of all North American behaviors include standing, bill-vibrating (tongue-flicking), head-swaying, pecking, walking slowly, walking quickly, running, hopping, leapfrog feeding, wing-flicking, openwing-feeding, underwing-feeding, foot-stirring, foot-raking, foot probing, foot paddling, hovering, hover-stirring, dipping, disturb and chase, and foot-dragging.
Effectiveness may be enhanced owing to greater visual acuity than most other wading birds. Many behaviors make use of distinctively colored feet. Only heron that uses 4 of the 5 foot movement behaviors. Foot-stirring is particularly suited for small prey consumed by this heron.

Myer Bornstein
I photograph the natural beauty of Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island and other locations Country and elsewhere. I also publish a blog about the area and other interesting vistas and locations.
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