For the last four years, I have been following and photographing a pair of piping plovers that have been nesting on the Beach Loop of Allens Pond Massachusetts Audubon Sanctuary. The piping plovers have just hatched their new set of chicks. For more pictures and information, see my blog at,
Author: Myer Bornstein

Willet – Tringa semipalmata
I just posted an article about Willets on my blog site

Moose (Alces alces)
Moose, as it is known in North America or the Eurasian elk, as it is known in Europe is the largest species in the deer family. An adult Moose will average 1000 pounds and stands 6 feet high at the shoulder. Moose have a keen sense of smell and of hearing, but are nearsighted. Moose […]

Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator) – female vs first winter male
In the winter, one of the problems of deciding whether or not the red breasted merganser that you are observing is a female or is it a first-winter male. After I researched the subject, the way to tell the first year-male from a female red-breasted merganser, is that the first-winter male red-breasted merganser as a […]

King Eider (Somateria spectabilis)
One of the prettiest ducks that winter in the Massachusetts area is the King Eider. Over the last few years, I’ve been looking for the King Eider, in order to obtain some decent photographs of this beautiful bird. A few years ago, on a birding festival on Cape Ann, I saw the bird and obtained […]

Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus)
When I was down in Florida, the most common hawk that I saw was the Red-shouldered Hawk, while here in southeastern Massachusetts the Red-tailed Hawk is usually the Hawk that is seen. This late winter, however, the Red-shouldered Hawk is being observed by me more often. In fact, over my condominium complex. Here in the […]

Horned Grebe – Podiceps auritus
Horned Grebe – Podiceps auritus, are a winter visitor to my area in southeastern New England. We find them along the shore actively feeding. Horned Grebes breed mainly in Canada and Alaska. In the summer, I saw them around Churchill, Manitoba. They are extremely colorful in the summer with a black head and Brown puffy […]

Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus) A Winter Visitor
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus) is a winter visitor to the East Coast of North America. The birds that are found here probably come from the breeding population in Iceland. The Lesser Black-backed Gull breeds in the Atlantic coasts of Europe and migrates in the winter. From the British Isles self to West Africa. Every […]