Buteo buteo – Accipitriformes – Accipitriadae – This is the lightest buzzard I saw so far this winter. Easily recognizing individuals thanks to the plumage coloration of their breast and comparing them from one season to another has proven me that I have not seen again the birds from previous years, which implies that they […]
Tag: Accipitriformes

Local Common buzzards
Common buzzard – Buteo buteo Accipitriformes – Accipitridae This is the first publication out of 3 on these birds of prey. Here are 2 of the local buzzards inhabiting our property in the south of France and its surroundings. They have a dark streaky uniform plumage with white feathers lengthwise on the head and neck, […]

Acapulco Birds
I spent last week in Acapulco, Mexico. I wasn’t there for birding. I was there with a small group of people that were working in an orphanage. I barely went anywhere outside the orphanage, but I did walk the streets nearby in the mornings, and once in the afternoon, just to see what I might […]

Red kite showing off
Milvus milvus Accipitriformes – Acciptidae As I was taking ordinary pictures of this magnificent bird, he turned swiftly around and flapped his wings to impress another individual intended on perching on the same branch. Beginning of April 2013

Red kite up close
Mivus milvus – Accipitriformes – Accitridae – Their population is very low compared to that of the Black kite. Only 2500 to 3000 couples are known in France and 20 000 elsewhere, mostly in Europe. Their wingspan exceeds easily 1.50 m; as with almost all other raptors the female is the largest. I feel quite […]

The European sparrowhawk digesting his latest meal!
Accipiter nisus male – Accipitridae – Accipitriformes – He remained at 3 meters from me for exactly 22 minutes, calculated on the timing from the first pic to the last! Il s’est écoulé 22 minutesentre la première et la dernière photo de cet épisode où il est resté là!!Il digérait tranquillement son dernier repas… il […]

the Red kite’s royal dance
Accipitriformes – Accipitridae – He is so far (about 65 to 70 meters from me) that for a split second I wondered if my eyes were seeing a raptor!With the 500 mm lens I had my confirmation but before taking the first shots, I quickly add the 1/4 convert to reach a focal length of […]

European Greenfinch VS Sparrowhawk
Passeriformes – Fringillidae – For a few days I have observed, from the corner of my eye a fairly large bird flying swiftly over and around my tent and above the feeding table making the passerine birds quite nervous. Until today I hadn’t been able to see what it was, but this morning, it settled […]