Booted eagle

Booted eagle

Aigle botté – Aguila calzada, Hieraaetus pennatus, Spain, 2017/08/24, Nikon: D500 + 800 mm f5/6E,   This migratory eagle nests in southern Europe and winters in Africa and Asia. With a friend we arrived at the spot very early and he had assured me that the weather report said bright and sunny after a small […]

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Little bittern

Little bittern

Ixobrychus minutus – Ardeidae – It is the smallest ardeidae weighing between 60 and 150g. Lives in bedreeds and highly vegetated shores. If it is still listed LC (minor concern) in the status of UICN preservation, it is in severe decline in Europe due to the reduction of the swampy areas: the national population in […]

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Eurasian wryneck

Eurasian wryneck

This migratory bird, first recorded in 1585, spends the winter in tropical Africa and nests in hollow trees or in walls, feeds on ants and their larvae but also on different insects and berries. One of the smallest Picidae species it is about 17cm (6.7in) in length. When excited it uses its neck in snake-wise […]

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