A Leopardess (Panthera pardus) is stopped in her tracks after a wary impala forces her to give up the hunt by alerting the herd to her presence – Okavango Delta, Botswana. © Dana Allen www.photosafari-africa.net www.facebook.com/DanaAllenPhotoSafari With Savuti Camp
Tag: africa

Photographic Maps for the Primates, Warthogs, Dik-diks, and Hyraxes of Africa
By Yvonne A. de Jong and Thomas M. Butynski, Eastern Africa Primate Diversity and Conservation Program, wildsolutions.nl The design and implementation of effective conservation measures for primates, warthogs, dik-diks, and hyraxes requires an efficient, low cost, and accessible resource for the identification of species and subspecies. Although photographs cannot replace an adequate museum collection as […]

The Promise of Rain
I’ve been keeping this photo under wraps for a while – it just never felt like it was time to share it – until now. By now, if you’ve followed my work for some time, you would know that I have this sort of fetish for contextual atmospheric wildlife photos taken with shorter focal lengths. […]

PhotoShare: Mana Dreaming
I can’t believe how time has flown. It’s now almost a year since I made the epic journey up to Mana Pools in Zimbabwe. What excites me is that I’ll be going back in about 8 weeks’ time with Marlon du Toit on the first official WILD EYE MANA POOLS PHOTO SAFARI. After my mind-blowing […]

To the Point…
The horns of the Oryx (Oryx gazelle) are found on both male and female members of the species. They are long and straight (over 4 feet is the record length) and can be deadly. While oryx are usually very cautious and will flee at most signs of danger, they can be fierce opponents if cornered… […]

A Flash of White…
That oblique flash of white puts an entire species at risk. Keep it where it belongs… on an elephant. Nikon D4. Nikon 200-400 mm. ISO 800. f4 @ 1/250 sec. Lexar Media. © Dana Allenwww.photosafari-africa.net www.facebook.com/DanaAllenPhotoSafari With Xigera Camp

Costa Rica Update
My second tour complete, so naturally, lots of editing waiting on the hard drives. Both of the 2013 tours were very successful, wonderful guests, amazing nature to see and photograph. This most recent trip was exceptional as we were able to stand in a farmers field and watch Quetzals with their nest. A tree line […]

Swiss Army Trunk…
The most versatile tool on the planet. Nikon D4. Nikon 28-300 mm. ISO 800 f6.7 @ 1/1500 sec. Lexar Media. © Dana Allen www.photosafari-africa.net www.facebook.com/DanaAllenPhotoSafari With Journeys Unforgettable Photographic Safaris