So I have finally crossed the line and made the personal milestone of 400 birds seen in Britain and this has got me thinking back on a few of them and which ones I enjoyed most. Now you’d think it would be easy just by picking the rarest but it’s not that simple. One may […]
Tag: american bittern

Territory battle
Instead of heading up the A12 we headed down the M20 arriving at a very murky Dungeness at first light. We attempted a short seawatch but the mist was a real problem as was the rain and lack of wind. We had a few Auks, Gannets and Sandwich Terns along with a single raft of […]

Orlando Wetlands Park, 2/2/2014
What a fantastic morning at Orlando Wetlands Park! The area was just filled with birds. Of course, top on my list was seeing a Vermilion Flycatcher. It was right where has been–in the cypress trees in cell #17. But the area was also filled with other birds. Lots of Blue-winged Teal and Green-winged Teal, as […]

An American Bittern at Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
I have seen quite a few American Bitterns (Botaurus lentiginosus) over the years but most I didn’t spot until they were startled into flight. That all changed last November when I spotted this bird out in the open at Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge. The American Bittern is a solitary, secretive, cryptically colored heron that breeds […]

Viera Wetlands, 1/18/2014
Yesterday I made it out to Viera Wetlands for a little bit during the afternoon. I much prefer to go in the morning, but even though family commitments kept me home in the morning, afternoon birding proved to be all that I’d hoped. My biggest goal was to see an Ash-throated Flycatcher that’s been seen […]

La Chua Trail, Paines Prairie, 3/1/2013
I was traveling up to Alabama this morning, and so I left early to see what I could find at Payne’s Prairie. I walked the La Chua Trail; it was somewhat breezy out, so I suspect some sparrows were hiding, but I did get to find a Field Sparrow (my first in Florida), several White-crowned […]

Viera Wetlands, 12/8/2012
This morning I decided to drive down to Viera Wetlands. When I arrived it was very foggy. I was somewhat disappointed, since I couldn’t photograph anything any distance away without losing detail. So of course, this is is when the Peregrine Falcon decided to appear. I found it perched on one of the dead trees. […]

Lake Apopka, 12/14/2012
So I braved the 4 mile Lake Apopka Loop Trail again. It’s a challenge, not just because it’s an 8 mile walk round drip, but also because the trail is hard, compact gravel much of the way, so I’m always sore when I get back. This morning it was cold (by Florida standards) and windy, […]