The first Saturday in September each year is International Vulture Awareness Day. Vultures are an ecologically vital group of birds that face a range of threats in many areas that they occur. Populations of many species are under pressure and some species are facing extinction. The International Vulture Awareness Day has grown from Vulture Awareness […]
Author: Larry Jordan

Northern Red-shafted Flickers and Nestlings
The proud father of five Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) nestlings perches near the entrance of the nestbox. See the full post which includes a video of the adults and the nestlings inside the box at 10000 Birds.

Marbled Godwit at Seal Rock Beach
I recently spent some time watching birds on the beach near Seal Rock below the Cliff House in San Francisco. This Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) was one of the many shorebird species I observed. Check out my latest West Coast Beat Writer post over at 10000 Birds to see all the avifauna I encountered. […]

Mountain Bluebirds at Lassen Volcanic National Park
Don’t miss the Mountain Bluebird spotted at Lassen Volcanic National Park I posted over at 10000 Birds. There are several other birds pictured in the piece as well as some cool mammals like the Marmot!

Water Ouzel Nest Found at Lassen Volcanic National Park
One of the best things about our annual Audubon chapter’s Lassen Park campout is that we get to see several species of mountain birds that we don’t normally see in the Sacramento Valley. I know for a certainty that I will be able to see one of my favorites, the American Dipper whenever I visit […]

Proposal to Expand Hunting and Fishing Opportunities on National Wildlife Refuges
Please head on over to 10000 Birds to read my latest post on the Expansion of Hunting and Fishing Opportunities on National Wildlife Refuges. You might also want to read my latest post, and join me in urging congress to End Cruel Trapping on National Wildlife Refuges. Did you know that an estimated 300 refuges […]

Fishing at the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
I photographed and shot video of this Snowy Egret fishing at Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge recently.

My Favorite Bird Photos of 2014
At the end of each year I like to go back and look at the bird photographs I have taken and choose the ones I like the best for a “favorite bird photo” post. I try to pick at least one photograph from each month however some months were photographically prolific, others not so much. […]