They were just passengers aboard an airplane, flying over California and having a chat. The couple was relating their adventures in hunting to the pair of fliers in the row ahead of them. Things apparently got cozy, and they confided that they had hunted a mountain lion. In fact, they said, a close relative was […]
Tag: Barn Owl

The Itombwe owl: Two birds and an identity crisis
Everything we know for certain about the Itombwe owl comes from just two individuals: one dead for more than 70 years, and the other also most likely dead by now. The second, a small, chestnut-colored owl, was netted by Tom Butynski’s team in 1996; a wild owl can expect to live 10 years. Butynski tells […]

Adorable orphaned baby owls get happy ending a year after their nests were destroyed
Over a dozen orphaned baby barn owls from Washington, who tragically lost their nests, have now found their new home. About 15 owls were left without any shelter after the haystacks supporting their nests were removed last year in the state. As a temporary relief, the hooters were sent to the Blue Mountain Wildlife facility […]

Purple Heron at Burnham
We attempted to find the Baikal Teal at Ouse Washes today but failed despite checking every hide and walking around six miles in the process. We did find a few Garganey and a Black winged Stilt along with Barn Owl, Marsh Harrier, Ruff and a dozen Greenshank. Hopefully the Teal will give us another opportunity. […]

North Norfolk – 7th to 10th February
Sarah had brought for me, at Christmas, a photography course with David Tipling and so we all headed up to North Norfolk for the weekend. David is a recent convert from Nikon to Olympus and is now an ambassador for Olympus. The main aim for me was to glean some of his knowledge in using […]

Barn Owls at Christmas
I began the year with an account of a barn owl. I am finishing the year with another account of barn owls. The weather so far in December has been awful with rain on most days and very dull conditions. Hardly conducive to good photography but there have been a couple of days when conditions […]

Lechuza de campanario (Barn owl) Tyto alba
En un nuevo aporte escrito para el Blog compartimos estas fotografías de otra de las hermosas lechuzas que pudimos observar junto al amigo Nicolás Pavese; la Lechuza de campanario, Chuinda en mbyá-guaraní. Espectacular cerrar el año de esta manera, increíble poder ver y fotografiar a esta especie, pensar que hasta comienzos del 2016 solo había […]

Barn Owls – Brief Encounters
Towards the end of November the weather was settled with easterly winds and dry conditions.I discovered that a local barn owl was coming out and hunting early afternoon on a regular basis.I visited half a dozen times and was rewarded with some great opportunities for the camera.The earliest the owl came out was around 1.30pm.I […]