In Churchill, Manitoba, a small, remote town known as ‘the polar bear capital of the world,’ a remarkable story of coexistence and conservation is unfolding. The town’s innovative and humane methods of managing polar bear encounters, including the Polar Bear Alert program and the polar bear holding facility, are making significant strides in balancing human […]
Tag: bears
POLL: Should the use of real bear fur in the iconic bearskin caps worn by King’s Guard during ceremonial duties be banned?
Bearskin hats are an iconic feature of royal events, including the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. The King – a keen environmentalist – is seen wearing bearskin alongside other members of the Royal Family at parades such as Trooping the Colour. The famous actor and broadcaster Mr Stephen Fry said: ‘Tradition is never […]
5 Tips for a College Trip to Yosemite
The world around you seems to slow down as you get closer to Yosemite National Park. Your lungs are filled with fresh air as you’re immersed in the breathtaking granite cliffs or the lesser-known gushing waterfalls. You are invited to embark on a trip of adventure and awe by reasserting your connection to the natural […]
Golden Spectacled Bear (The real Paddington bear)
By: Michael Tweddle Lucky to share this natural instinct by enjoying and admiring wildlife. Life has led me to travel to such places that when I was a child taught me characters as Jacques Cousteau and TV documentaries such as the National Geographic, Transtel Cologne and BBC among others. Happy today, after thirty years taking […]
NON-PROFIT expedition workshop to see polar bears in Svalbard, 2014
Join us on a once-in-a-lifetime voyage in the High Arctic to experience polar bears in their environment, while learning about their biology, their current and future status, the threats against them, and what you can do to help protect them. While we will provide and ensure the full experience that a regular small-ship expedition cruise […]