Press Release – Polar Bears on the Edge: New book punctures myth that polar bear conservation is success story The climate is changing, sea-ice is melting, polar bears are suffering. And yet, the establishment accepts that about 1.000 polar bears are hunted every year. On average, one polar bear is shot every 9 hours, or […]
Author: Morten Jorgensen

Expedition Cruise on Board M/S Origo, June 1-10, 2014
Polar Bear Expedition Workshop – last 2 cabins still available. We are now close to full ship.Anyone out there interested in joining, there are now just 2 cabins available. The majority of the group is flying to Longyearbyen on May 31st, there are still a few seats available on that flight as well. The land […]

NON-PROFIT expedition workshop to see polar bears in Svalbard, 2014
Join us on a once-in-a-lifetime voyage in the High Arctic to experience polar bears in their environment, while learning about their biology, their current and future status, the threats against them, and what you can do to help protect them. While we will provide and ensure the full experience that a regular small-ship expedition cruise […]