There’s an old saying that you never stop learning and that’s never more true than when you start looking at the natural world. Earlier this year I saw a Dunnock busily collecting insects for its chicks. In the UK it’s a bird often seen in the garden and is known for its secretive behavior of […]
Tag: bird behavior

European green woodpecker
European green woodpecker – Last pictures of the series I took during the short snow episode that brought me great luck with the Goshawk female hunting a pheasant. These are not pictures you can hope taking easily; since I won’t have another chance at witnessing such a scarce scene, I enjoyed the moment fully… Enough […]

Rumble among Common buzzards !
This Common buzzard thought it had found the right spot to observe quietly its surroundings but…. Du riffifi chez les Buses variables: Elle pensait être tranquille pour observer “son” territoire mais… …une concurrente décide de l’évincer pour prendre sa place: … a competitor wants the place: …pourtant elle est bien décidée […]

There’s been a marked decline in the number of sunspots over the past decade or so. That’s what NASA scientists say, and I have no reason to doubt their research findings. Luckily, I haven’t observed any reduction in the terrestrial version of this phenomenon. Hardly a day has passed lately when I’ve not been blinded […]