The gardener caught on camera whipper-snippering a native Australian bird to death was seriously injured in a car crash months later, Daily Mail Australia can reveal. The shocking footage, which emerged earlier this week, shows an employee of Elly’s Property Services shred a plover with the whipper snipper before stomping on its head and dumping […]
Tag: birds
5 of the Most Spectacular (& Elaborate) Mating Rituals of Birds
Mating rituals in the animal kingdom vary across species, and birds are no exception. Typically, dances for courtship between birds involve the makes working hard to attract the females’ attention. They use movement, sounds, skills, and good looks to woo their potential partner! 1. Black-Footed Albatross Source: Eric Dale/Youtube The black-footed albatross mating ritual is […]
5 of the Most Intricate Nests Built by Birds: From Weaving to Sculpting
Ever wondered how birds make their nests so cool? Well, turns out, they’re not just throwing sticks together. Some birds are like real architects, using crazy skills to build nests that are way more than just a place to crash. 1. The Montezuma Oropendola Source: Cornell Lab of Orinthology/Youtube Montezuma Oropendolas live in large colonies […]
Buildings kill a billion US birds a year. These architects want to save them
Chicago’s 82-story Aqua Tower appears to flutter with the wind. Its unusual, undulating facade has made it one of the most unique features of Chicago’s skyline, distinct from the many right-angled glass towers that surround it. In designing it, the architect Jeanne Gang thought not only about how humans would see it, dancing against the […]
How to Support Your Local Wildlife
Wild birds, insects and other wildlife populations are on the decline. These creatures need all the help they can get to cope with a changing planet. If you’re wondering what you can do to give your local wildlife a helping hand, here are some suggestions from the team at Really Wild Bird Food, who grow […]
In Kenya, vicious ants are nesting birds’ best neighbors, study finds
The remarkable partnership between East Africa’s whistling thorn trees and their resident ants is well known, but now a new study brings to light the trees’ relationship with birds. Acacia ants will swarm over branches and bite elephants or giraffes who try to eat the leaves of the whistling thorn (Acacia drepanolobium). As an incentive […]
Why do middle-aged people love birds so much?
I often wonder why birds speak so universally to the sagging middle-aged soul that it has become a comic trope – the vertiginously swift passage from: “Is that a robin?” to: “There’s a lesser yellowleg two hours’ drive away, start the car.” Is it the freedom they represent? No cholesterol, no mortgage, no self-assessment tax […]
Petition: Help Save Kiwi Birds in New Zealand
The recent hatching of two kiwi chicks in Wellington, New Zealand, marks a monumental success in the country’s conservation efforts. This breakthrough, a first in over a century in this region, is a testament to the dedicated work of conservationists. Their commitment to bringing back the kiwi, New Zealand’s iconic national symbol, from the brink […]