Although California recently banned the use of anticoagulant rodenticides, turkey vultures in the state still have evidence of exposure to the chemicals in their bodies. Researchers studied the vultures’ exposure to eight different types of rodenticide in southern California from 2016 to 2021. The team found 11% of the birds they studied were exposed to […]
Tag: Burrowing Owl

The Forest Service Gets a Slap on Their Prairie Dog Killing Plan
On the Thunder Basin National Grassland of northeastern Wyoming, the livestock industry has been pursuing an aggressive campaign to expand poisoning and shooting of prairie dogs. And in 2020, the Forest Service gave them a plan amendment that radically expanded prairie dog killing, and eliminated a special designation of a Black-footed Ferret Reintroduction Area to […]

A renewed bid to protect burrowing owls is advancing: What changed?
Western burrowing owls are diminutive, adorable and goofy—and conservation organizations have renewed calls for the state to protect them before it’s too late. Now, more than 20 years since a formal request was made, California wildlife officials appear to be listening. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife recently recommended that state wildlife policymakers consider […]

Lechucita vizcachera (Burrowing Owl) Athene cunicularia
En esta entrada comparto estas fotografías de Lechucitas vizcachera que pude obtener cuando regresábamos a Posadas desde Tacuaruzú luego de disfrutar una jornada fotografiando aves con Nicolás y Luis Lugo, a partir de ahora Lucho. Justo coincidimos en un punto del camino en el que las últimas luces del sol creaban la atmósfera ideal para […]

Bronzed Cowbirds in La Carreta Parking Lot, 12/27/2015
After finding our Burrowing Owls, we drove down to Miami-Dade County and stopped at a La Carreta Cuban Restaurant. We didn’t go for the food, though I would have loved to have tried the food there (I love Cuban food). We went to find cowbirds in the parking lot. It wasn’t long before we started […]

Burrowing Owl at Brian Piccolo Park, 12/27/2015
My father and I just returned from a 3 day excursion through South Florida in search of birds we’ve never seen before. We had a very successful trip. We found 104 species over the three days, including 6 species I’ve never seen in Florida: Neotropic Cormorant, Western Spindalis (lifer), Egyptian Goose, Bronzed Cowbird, Red-wiskered Bulbul […]

Video: Owl Dance-Off
Wildlife photographer Megan Lopez captured two burrowing owls in a front yard bouncing to the beat. But GoPro added some hip hop music — and the clip has become a hoot! These birds sure know how to bounce. Hilarious footage shows two burrowing owls appearing to have a dance-off in a front yard. One nods […]

Lechucita vizcachera (Burrowing Owl) Athene cunicularia
A la Lechucita vizcachera también podría llamarsele Lechucita patas sucias, fiel a sus hábitos terrícolas y por el hecho de nidificar en cuevas de tierra es usual verla con las patas embarradas. Estas imágenes son de Luis y se obtuvieron cerca de Cerro Corá durante la tarde del día 07-09, en dos fotos la lechuza […]