With the Jims needing Buff-breasted Sandpiper for a tick we headed off down to Dunge this morning. A quick trip down Gallaways gave up nothing of note but we did find six Cattle Egrets at the farm on the reserve. At ARC we had stunning views of a Bittern as it walked around in front […]
Tag: Cattle Egret

Autumn Migration
Raptor and passerine migration is now well and truly underway in my region of Japan. The Chinese Goshawks have finished and now it is the turn of the Oriental Honey Buzzards, Grey-faced Buzzards, Eurasian Sparrowhawks and smaller numbers of Northern Hobby and Japanese Sparrowhawk. The Eurasian Kestrels have just arrived at Isahaya, along with the […]

Summertime birding – Jubail
Birding the Jubail area in June gave a few surprising migrants including Whinchat, European Bee-eater, Red-backed Shrike, Barn Swallow and Sand Martin. A Western Cattle Egret was also a surprise as they are a winter species that has normally departed by this time of year. A few summer plumage Squacco Herons were also present showing […]

Abyssinian Roller and Singing Bush Lark – Phil’s Fields
Whilst birding the southwest of the Kingdom this winter I went to Phil’s Fields which is a large pivot irrigation set up with three large fields. It is an excellent place to see good birds and I always see Singing Bush Lark and Zitting Cisticola there, and this visit was no exception. More unusual birds […]

Best ever DAY ONE count
With the better weather forecast for Norfolk that was our destination for the day one count. Starting with Barn Owl and ending wit a lovely Grey Male Hen Harrier we had a cracking day. Shore Lark at Holkham, Twite at Thornham, Snow Buntings at Salthouse and Cattle Egret at Stiffkey were the four main targets […]

Western Cattle Egret – Dhahran Hills
The number of Western Cattle Egrets around the camp seems to have stabilized for the winter around the 100 bird mark. Good views can be had of the birds as they feed along the roadside grass verges finding insects in the soft ground after the grass has been watered. Many people in the camp have […]

Garcita bueyera (Cattle Egret) Bubulcus ibis
Garcita bueyera fotografiada en la galería de entrada del buffet del memories Varadero beach resort, especie bastante abundante en el lugar y demasiado confiada, aquellos turistas que se sentaban an las mesas cercanas a las galerís del buffet debían estar muy atentos a su desayuno porque en la primera de cambio estas garsas se posaban […]

Glossy Ibis and Cattle Egrets
Two visits to Walmsley sanctuary at Wadebridge to see the recent arrival of both Glossy Ibis and Cattle Egrets. Fourteen Ibis have been seen here (I saw seven of them) and it looks like the Cattle Egrets have bred here or nearby as two juvenile birds have been observed along with seven adults. Who knows […]