The Rose-coloured Starling or Rosy Starling is a bird that breeds in Asia, apparently in vast numbers. From time to time, instead of migrating south too the Indian sub-continent to spend the winter, the odd one migrates in the wrong direction and finishes up, totally lost in Europe and even the UK. One such lonely […]
Tag: Charles Fleming

The Goosander is an interesting “saw-billed” Duck that is found on the fast moorland rivers of my county, Devon (UK). They are a very wary and shy bird and if they catch sight of you they will depart immediately. Historically this species has been persecuted and they need to be wary for a good reason. […]

Best Photo of the Week Ended 16 Feb 2013
We are delighted to announce the winners of our most recent “Best Photo of the Week” Competition. Louise Greenhorn wins First Prize for her outstanding photo “Mind-Numbing Beauty in Yellowstone”. Daniel Vago wins Second Prize with “The Young King” and Charlie Fleming wins Third Prize with “Male Dipper with Nesting Material”. See images below with […]

Breeding Dippers
Lots more video to come now that I have worked out how to post it! These White-breasted Dippers are the birds that I watched daily for 8 weeks last year.

Best Photo of the Week Ended 31 Jan 2013
We are pleased to announce the winners of our most recent “Best Photo of the Week” Competition. Jose Garcia Allievi wins First Prize for his outstanding photo “Tody-Flycatcher”. Per-Eric Svahn wins Second Prize with “Golden Eagle in the Snow” andCharles Fleming wins Third Prize with “Cape Spurfowl”. The voting for all entries can be seen […]

Cape Spurfowl – Pternistis capensis
I have recently returned from a trip to South Africa and specifically Cape Town, an exciting and interesting place for all sorts of reasons. The wildlife opportunities are immense and varied with a vast variety of birdlife. One bird that I found interesting and very approachable was the Cape Spurfowl or Cape Francolin Pternistis capensis. […]

Wildlife in a Suburban Garden
It’s interesting to note that the common tit species in the UK and Europe have beaks of slightly different lengths and shapes. This enables them to co-exist in the same habitat and even in the same mixed species flocks. Coal Tits for example, although smaller than Blue Tits, have a longer and proportionally longer beak. […]

Nuthatch – Sitta europaea
Nuthatches are an interesting little bird that will commonly come to feeders especially at this time of the year. I have a permanent hide and a feeding station next to a wood here in Exeter, Devon, UK. Nuthatches are one of the most common visitors at the feeders. At the feeders they can be aggressive […]