At the suggestion of Tom Obrock we made a late May trip to Florida’s east coast with the possibility of observing Bahama Mockingbird, a rare bird species in Florida, that had been reported in Fort Lauderdale at eBird. The immature Red-tailed Hawk above (image 1) was photographed near Homestead in May […]
Tag: Egyptian Geese

Egyptian Geese
Egyptian geese are abundant in Kensington Gardens in London where I took these pictures. The bird’s native range is in the Nile Valley in Egypt and throughout subsaharan Africa. Introduced and escaped birds have established feral populations throughout southern Europe. I sometimes see Egyptian geese in urban parks in the northeastern United States. Feral populations […]

Two Kinds of Coots
I was in London last week for a conference. My hotel was near Kensington Gardens, one of London’s Royal Parks. I walked all over the gardens, saw the famous statue of Peter Pan, and sat by a pond watching the royal waterfowl. There were mute swans, tufted ducks, Egyptian geese, moorhens, great crested grebes, great […]

Review: The Bird Atlas tracks changes of Britain and Ireland’s birds
A new atlas of 1,300 maps shows the patterns of distribution, abundance and change among 296 bird species in Britain and Ireland. The Bird Atlas 2007-11 is a partnership between British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), Scottish Ornithologists’ Club and Birdwatch Ireland and involved the work of more than 40,000 volunteers over four years. BTO used […]

A few bits and pieces from the UAE Part I
Not had much to report recently, travels have been limited and I have also been suffering with some niggly back problems. So here is a small blog showing some of the images I have taken over the last few weeks in the UAE. Dubai Internet City not only being mine and many other people’s work […]