Ethiopian wolves, known for their carnivorous diet, have been observed licking nectar from red hot poker flowers in the Bale Mountains. These wolves, with their white snouts dusted yellow by pollen, may play an unexpected role in plant pollination. Sandra Lai, an ecologist from Oxford University, and her team noted this unusual behavior, suggesting that […]
Tag: Ethiopian Wolf

The Ethiopian Wolf
The Ethiopian Wolf Elegant and slim In trouble now And needs us to Help take care of them.

Ethiopian Wolf Is First Known Large Predator-Pollinator to Feed on Nectar
Many animals — from bees to bats and lizards to lemurs — are pollinators, but have you ever seen a wolf happily licking the cone of a flower? Ethiopian wolves have been observed foraging for nectar from the Ethiopian red hot poker flower, with some of the canids visiting up to 30 blooms in one […]

The Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis) is Africa’s most endangered carnivore and the rarest Canid worldwide. This female was photographed at 14,000 feet in the Bale Mountains National Park, last stronghold for these wolves. There are fewer than two-hundred and fifty adults left here and less than two hundred other adults found in a few scattered […]