Endangered Thick-Billed Parrot That Once Roamed the US Is on the Way to Recovery

Endangered Thick-Billed Parrot That Once Roamed the US Is on the Way to Recovery

A public-private partnership in Mexico just announced that the current population of thick-billed parrots is approximately 2,500 individuals—at least 10% higher than that recorded 12 years ago. The number was determined in a recent population survey in a protected area in the state of Chihuahua, where once upon a time this charismatic species roamed north […]

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The winds changed to the south today and whilst that did not bring any immediate changes to the birdlife in Maridalen it might mean that the rain that is forecast to start at 3am tonight might well bring down a lot of migrating birds (ever the optimist). Three flocks of Pink-footed Geese heading north today […]

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