A quick catch up

A quick catch up

I’ve spent some time this week looking for the Epping Harrier without any joy but still had plenty of action with Red Kites, Buzzards and Sparrowhawks all showing in good numbers. A male Goshawk and a pair of Raven added to the drama as did a day calling Tawny Owl, lots of Deer and a few Hares.

A day at Lakenheath gave me a couple of year ticks in the week with a couple of Little-ringed Plover on Hockwold washland and a pair of Garganey on New Fen. The number of Marsh Harriers displaying from Joist Fen was a real spectacle with at least fourteen birds in the air together. A couple of Bittern called and Kingfishers came and went as I waited in vain for any sign of the breeding Cranes.

Greylag Goose at Lakenheath

At Dunge we landed another year tick with a single Sandwich Tern and again found the Cattle Egrets by Boulderwell Farm.

A Peregrine and Black Redstart by the power station along with a few Wheatear on the shingle made up the best of the day but we also jammed on one of Britains two colonies of Grey-backed mining Bee on the walk to Denis’s Hide almost in the car park at Dunge.

A decent few days but I’m still waiting for the real spring migrants to start pouring in.

Grey-backed mining Bee at Dungeness RSPB
Grey-backed mining Bee at Dungeness RSPB
Grey Heron at Lakenheath
Lapwing at Elmley
Reed Bunting at Dungeness
Muntjac at Lakenheath
Marsh Harrier at Elmley


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Brian Anderson

Brian Anderson

Essex Birder using the blog as a diary of my trips around the country chasing birds. Enjoying the places it takes me and the people I meet along the way. Great to spend time with my Dad and brother as we chase our year lists and grow our life list in the process.

Brian Anderson

Brian Anderson

Essex Birder using the blog as a diary of my trips around the country chasing birds. Enjoying the places it takes me and the people I meet along the way. Great to spend time with my Dad and brother as we chase our year lists and grow our life list in the process.

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