Adorable footage has shown a faithful owl making nightly visits to the man who saved its life and nursed it back to health. Tiberius, a Tawny owl, was found starving on a military barracks parade ground in Plymouth by animal lover Mark Foden in June 2024. The retired 63-year-old formed a special bond with the […]
Tag: Tawny Owl

Global Big Day
Yesterday I teamed up with Jonathan and Re’a to take part in Global Big Day. Our plan was to record as many species as possible, and also to connect with some specialties that are less likely to get recorded elsewhere. We did not plan our route too carefully, as this was not a competition but […]

A quick catch up
I’ve spent some time this week looking for the Epping Harrier without any joy but still had plenty of action with Red Kites, Buzzards and Sparrowhawks all showing in good numbers. A male Goshawk and a pair of Raven added to the drama as did a day calling Tawny Owl, lots of Deer and a […]

An unexpected sighting last week was a Beaver at very close range in the middle of the day. I have seen a few signs recently that Beavers are out and about despite the snow and ice (which must make it difficult for them to come in and out of their lodges). Seeing the animal today […]

Fledgling Tawny Owls
I have and will be so busy with guiding (20 hour long trip to Hedmark and Oppland yesterday and tomorrow and Sunday in the Beitostølen area) that I haven’t had time for blogging so here is one I prepared earlier. I have lots to tell from yesterdays trip and expect to have much from the […]

Rosefinch in apple blossom
Well tomorrow (today) didn’t bring too much for me or anyone else locally. I started early at Huk to see if there was anything on the sea which there wasn’t and then against my better judgement went to look for the King Eider which of course I couldn’t find. After that it was Maridalen where […]

Scotland 2017
A short break in Tomatin up in the highlands of Scotland has given me the chance to see some fabulous sites again whilst picking up a few year ticks and grabbing a few record shots. First I visited a fish farm near Cairn Gorm and managed to see my first Osprey of 2017 without having […]

A good year for Crossbills
It would appear to be a good Crossbill year with sightings now regular in certain parts of Suffolk with this in mind I visited a drinking pool they have been visiting and with patience I was rewarded by several visits from up to nine Crossbill. A Jay and several Siskin also visited the pool and […]