The Pantanal has, over the past few years, become one of the most popular places in the Americas for viewing wildlife. The 147 km long drive along the Transpantaneira Highway is often described as the best road in the world to spot wildlife. The road links the city of Poconé and the village of Porto […]
Tag: Great Horned Owl

Where are the birds?
Every year I get several letters like one that came in mid-February from WXPR listener Doug Heise, who lives in Rhinelander and has been feeding birds for 30 years. He wrote about the species he’s fed over the years: “So many different varieties. chickadees, nuthatches, many types of finches, Pine Siskins, Chipping Sparrows, cardinals, Blue […]

Ñacurutú (Great Horned Owl) Bubo virginianus
Hoy le toca el turno de lucirse al Ñacurutú que pudo fotografiar Nico en Fachinal el día 28 de Noviembre pasado cuando pudieron registrarlo junto a Lucho y Javier.

February’s romantic rituals
February is a romantic month for people who celebrate Valentine’s Day, and also for several kinds of birds with early nesting cycles. Great Horned Owls may start nesting in February, though in north country during most winters, they’re more likely to wait until a bit later. Bald Eagles and ravens often engage in their splendid […]

Proposal to Expand Hunting and Fishing Opportunities on National Wildlife Refuges
Please head on over to 10000 Birds to read my latest post on the Expansion of Hunting and Fishing Opportunities on National Wildlife Refuges. You might also want to read my latest post, and join me in urging congress to End Cruel Trapping on National Wildlife Refuges. Did you know that an estimated 300 refuges […]

Birding and Photography Ethics
I’ve been an avid photographer for just about all this millennium, but I only became significantly interested in birding and wildlife photography after I received my 400mm lens and moved to Florida. I spent my early months here driving around wildlife loops and photographing whatever birds I saw. Eventually, I wanted to photograph more diversity […]

Guide to the Econ River Wilderness Area
The Econ River Wilderness Area is another of my favorite places ot visit in Seminole County. It’s only about 10 minutes from my home, so I can visit there on a whim, which is nice. The wilderness area covers about 240 acres that extends from Old Lockwood Rd to the Econ River just north of […]

June Challenge Begins
So June Challenge has begun. If you’re not a Florida birder, June Challenge is a friendly competition among birders. You choose a county and find as many birds as you can in the county during the month of June. June is hot, and migration is pretty much over. I had some time go out yesterday, […]