We parked up at Lakenheath this morning at 6am and took the long walk out to Joist Fen. On arrival there was another guy listening and looking for DB’S Marsh Warbler which we heard as we approached and saw straight away sitting up belting out it’s full repertoire which seemed to include a little Nightingale […]
Tag: Hobby

Day trip to Titchwell
We set off early this morning arriving at Choseley Barns at 7.30am where I scoped the Dotterel in the rain without too much help from the Jims who already had the tick from a recent twitch in Herts. Once I found the birds their mood changed and they jumped out to enjoy distant views along […]

Halcón plomizo (Aplomado falcon) Falco femoralis
De la última oportunidad que visitamos el Portal Cambyretá del Parque Nacional Iberá me volví a Posadas con estas lindas fotografías de dos de estos bonitos halcones que recibían los primeros rayos del sol perchando en los postes del costado del camino. Cambyretá es uno de los lugares que mas me gustan para fotografiar aves […]

A richer life
One of the things that makes birding a truly special pastime/passion/hobby/lifestyle is the fact that it enriches everyday life. A walk in the woods or even in a city become so much richer when you are aware of the birds around you and know something about the life stories. A walk yesterday through forest and […]

It’s a Great Hobby
Pun fully intended! A drive down to Dunge this morning at stupid o’clock gave Jim and I the chance to dip the “red male” Rosefinch reported yesterday but as the handful of readers of this blog will know, Dunge always delivers! A splendid Hobby sat up on a shed at the road side and allowed […]

Falco Subbuteo
A fewmore images from my recent brief but special encounter with a Hobby down at Dunge. A remarkable encounter with the bird sitting on a shed whilst we pulled up along side in the car enjoying it for a few moments. The Hobby summers in the UK with c2800 breeding pairs. It is an amazing […]