It’s about that time. Last week I saw this red-shouldered hawk pair getting to know each other. Right time, right place. I was taking photos of yellow-rumped warblers and the female flew in pretty close and on an exposed snag’s branch. Lucky me! I have a few more photos of the whole thing that I’ll […]
Tag: Jill Wussow

Return of the Yardbirds
Lots of you probably know the Backyard Bird Count is happening right now. It’s sort of a cool concept. If you’re unfamiliar with it, check out this link for more info. (Above: badass cedar waxwing and ping pong ball ruby-crowned kinglet) My best yardbird is still the harris’s sparrow (not a very common bird). There […]

Juniper Gorge-fest 2014
We have a pretty good sized juniper (not sure of the species) in our backyard that produced a TON of berries (cones, rather) this season. The Yellow-rumped warblers have really enjoyed this. So have the cedar waxwings and robins, but the butterbutts (yellow-rumpeds) own this tree, no questions asked. I’ve enjoyed watching them go absolutely […]

Pine warblers in your face
The birds seem to think it’s spring or something, but I can’t really say I agree with this sentiment. The Pine (all the birds in this post) and Yellow-rumped Warblers have started singing pretty hard the last week or so. Today while I was doing yoga, I witnessed two black vultures getting it on in […]

Bluebirds. But not on my shoulder.
Bluebirds! For some reason people around here always claim “there are no bluebirds here.” I wonder then, do they ever look outside? Do they ever go outside? Because hey! There are indeed eastern bluebirds watching you right now. Year round, in fact. Anyway, everyone loves bluebirds. Or at least, everyone should love bluebirds. How can […]

Could I interest you in some buntings?
This summer was full of buntings. A bunting-filled summer. Buntings everywhere. We can offer Painted, Indigo, Lazuli, and Varied. Take your pick. Come one, come all. But this is weird because I’m talk-tying like this is present tense and it’s actually past tense. But you know what I’m getting at. More to the point: this […]

Hey, something’s hanging out of your mouth.
During one of those nicer days, I went back to the coast. Spent my birthday at Anahuac NWR. Weather wasn’t ideal (bad light and crazy wind) for photos, but I still had a good couple days. Birds were hungry! I’m pretty sure I don’t have any photos of birds with fish, and somehow I managed […]