Fierce lions become friendly kittens when ‘love hormone’ oxytocin is sprayed into their nostrils

Fierce lions become friendly kittens when ‘love hormone’ oxytocin is sprayed into their nostrils

Lions are normally highly violent in the wild, and they ferociously defend their territory from other lions. In captivity, though, this can be a major problem, especially when lions from different prides are put together. The researchers conducted the investigation with lions on a wildlife reserve in Dinokeng, South Africa, to determine if oxytocin may […]

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Revisions to the mountain lion hunting guidelines will allow more females with young to be slaughtered

Revisions to the mountain lion hunting guidelines will allow more females with young to be slaughtered

The Arizona Game and Fish Commission will vote early next month on revisions that would affect mountain lion hunting guidelines for the next five years. As a result of these alterations, it’s possible that up to 50% of mountain lions slain in a given zone are female. While traversing the region, several mother mountain lions […]

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