Milvus milvus Accipitriformes – Acciptidae As I was taking ordinary pictures of this magnificent bird, he turned swiftly around and flapped his wings to impress another individual intended on perching on the same branch. Beginning of April 2013
Tag: Milvus milvus

Red kite up close
Mivus milvus – Accipitriformes – Accitridae – Their population is very low compared to that of the Black kite. Only 2500 to 3000 couples are known in France and 20 000 elsewhere, mostly in Europe. Their wingspan exceeds easily 1.50 m; as with almost all other raptors the female is the largest. I feel quite […]

Red kite
Milvus milvus Accipitriformes – Accipitridae The pics here are not re-framed: he is about 9 meters from the mirador. I grab my 300 mm lens and I jump to another opening. The fellow does not notice it coming out, his attention is kept on other birds of prey. That is the closest I can ever […]

Red Kite
Milvus milvus – Accipitridae – Accipitriformes One of the few winterers in our area, south of France. We have set up a feeding station for these birds since last year’s cold spell in Febuary. Indeed for 3 weeks, temperatures had plummeted to -15 and unfortunately, many species of birds were decimated. We managed to help […]