We humans are creatures of habitual repetition and it is a reliable assumption that bynightfall most people are indoors with lights on and doors closed to the outside world. When we accidentally or purposefully leave our outside lights on, it is somewhat like fly fishingwith the bright light being the lure. Many night beauties will […]
Tag: moth

Twig-Mimic Caterpillar
I was walking on the path that circles Pakim Pond in the Brendan T. Byrne State Forest in New Jersey last week. I walked into a gossamer thread that I thought was a spider web. I turned out to be a caterpillar’s silken support line. I looked down and saw a “twig” sticking out of […]

Goodness knows
Kindergarteners swarmed around the khaki-clad naturalist, squealing with excitement, shouting out questions and jockeying for a better view.The adult volunteers on this field trip were a tougher audience. “I’m glad they’re having fun but I don’t see why anyone should care about some bug,” one 30-something mom confided to another, adding, “What good is it, […]

Don’t call him hummingbird.
Hmm, I thought I had put these up already. Apparently not. Sphinx moths. You love them, right? As you should. They’re sort of fancy-pants. This is a White-lined Sphinx (Hyles lineata) unless someone tells me otherwise. Not really the easiest photo subject. These shots aren’t all that sharp but I like ’em anyway. My attention […]