Don’t miss the Mountain Bluebird spotted at Lassen Volcanic National Park I posted over at 10000 Birds. There are several other birds pictured in the piece as well as some cool mammals like the Marmot!
Tag: Mountain Bluebird

Bluebirds. But not on my shoulder.
Bluebirds! For some reason people around here always claim “there are no bluebirds here.” I wonder then, do they ever look outside? Do they ever go outside? Because hey! There are indeed eastern bluebirds watching you right now. Year round, in fact. Anyway, everyone loves bluebirds. Or at least, everyone should love bluebirds. How can […]

The Birds of Yellowstone by Don Getty – Part One
When people plan to visit Yellowstone National Park, they generally anticipate seeing wildlife like bears, buffalo, elk, etc. and the natural wonders such as geysers and waterfalls. Often overlooked is the incredible variety of birds. I drove away from two grizzlies in poor light which were just down the road from a group of American […]