Africa’s only resident penguin species is now officially critically endangered, according to a recent assessment by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Over the past century, the African penguin (Spheniscus demersus) has suffered precipitous declines in its population. In the mid-1950s, there were an estimated 141,000 breeding pairs of African penguins, or 282,000 […]
Tag: Namibia

Sixteen Scenes from 2016
Hello my friends! Firstly – I want to wish you a very happy and blessed 2019! It’s that time of year, eh? If you follow a plethora of photographers you will no doubt see many of them put out some sort of “best of 2016” image collection. I’ve outlined in previous posts why I think […]

Take me to the place where the white boys dance…
To kick off this post, I have to apologise to the band “The Killers”, whose song title made a perfect title for this photo and its resulting blog post. As you may know, we recently returned from an amazing family safari-camping-roadtrip through some of the most iconic places in Namibia. One of the destinations was […]

Shake if Off
All is quiet, except for the sound of doves and guinea fowl in the distance. The sky is bright blue on a winter’s morning. I am sitting in an underground research bunker in Etosha National Park in Namibia. He approaches from the southeast, ambling like they usually do. His footfalls are quiet, eerily quiet, like […]

An Elephantine Moment
Wildlife photography, to me, is about telling the stories of nature and conveying a sense of the wonder of God’s creation to my viewers. As a photographer, you need to be able to use all the tools at your disposal to do this. Besides the obvious – your camera and lens and the right settings […]

Standing Proud
Tall and proud he stands. Bathed in golden light as the sun sinks to the horizon. He wants a drink, and he will get it, as he doesn’t have enemies at this waterhole. Elephants are special creatures. During my time at a research bunker in Namibia last year, I was fascinated by their various rumblings […]

A Classical Shot
Hey everyone – a short one from me today. A great many wildlife photographers online keep talking about doing something unique and thinking out of the box, and while there’s nothing wrong with aiming for that (I often do too), it almost starts coming across as if shooting a classic shot according to sound photographic […]

Happy Hour Rush
Elephants love water. You know that by now (at least some of you do). I love watching breeding herds rush to the water as they start to smell the nourishment. One of the best places to do this is around the waterholes of Etosha National Park in Namibia, which is exactly where I am headed […]