A trip to Yarner Wood on Dartmoor at this time of year is always a treat, although on this occasion the weather was a little against us with low temperatures and light rain, though it did brighten up a bit in the afternoon. Pied Flycatchers are one of the main attractions here with nest boxes […]
Tag: Pied Flycatcher

The winds changed to the south today and whilst that did not bring any immediate changes to the birdlife in Maridalen it might mean that the rain that is forecast to start at 3am tonight might well bring down a lot of migrating birds (ever the optimist). Three flocks of Pink-footed Geese heading north today […]

Sweden Road Trip
Got back last night from a week-long family trip to Sweden. Sweden is a wonderful country. We landed at Västerås and drove from there up north. First night we stayed near Sandvik, second near Bispgården and then we reached our destination – Luleå in the far north of Sweden. Lots of driving…From a family point […]

The Levante winds of Spring – Spain 2017
I lead a tour group from the the US Audubon Naturalist Society in April to southern Spain. We had a great time apart from the awful windy weather. The famous Levante wind just would not stop for almost the whole eight days. We did however have a great time, saw lots of birds and other […]

Rosefinch in apple blossom
Well tomorrow (today) didn’t bring too much for me or anyone else locally. I started early at Huk to see if there was anything on the sea which there wasn’t and then against my better judgement went to look for the King Eider which of course I couldn’t find. After that it was Maridalen where […]

I did my flies up
Yesterday was Norway’s National Day which sees a lot of flag waving, hot dog and ice cream eating, general celebration and the consumption of vast quantities of champagne. Whilst imbibing by second glass of champagne I gazed skyward and saw a very high and very large bird. Its jizz did not fit with Crane, heron […]

Up and down and again…
This Spring is surely the one to be reminded as one of the least stable migration we had for years down in the Arava. While some morning start in full swing and there seems to be birds on every bush in the Arava and the sky are filled with migrating raptors, we have many mornings […]