People Are Paying to Participate in Organized Polar Bear Hunts

People Are Paying to Participate in Organized Polar Bear Hunts

Polar bears are one of nature’s beautiful, strong, impressive animals that are sadly subject to humans’ incessant trophy hunting. According to National Geographic, humans tend to hunt as ‘trophies,’ animals that are “most evolutionarily fit and possess the high-quality genes a population of animals need to adapt quickly to a changing environment.” This means the […]

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These six species are about to be sacrificed for the oil and gas industry

These six species are about to be sacrificed for the oil and gas industry

Republicans in the western United States have been trying to whittle away the Endangered Species Act (ESA) since Donald Trump took office. Under new proposals, wildlife managers would limit protections for species designated as “threatened” (a level below endangered), consider the economic costs prior to defending a species, and de-emphasize long-term threats such as climate […]

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POLL: Should Trump’s officials allow ‘shaker machines’ to search the arctic refuge for oil?

POLL: Should Trump’s officials allow ‘shaker machines’ to search the arctic refuge for oil?

The Trump administration has announced it is considering a proposal to conduct seismic testing for oil and gas in the Arctic national wildlife refuge, the largest such preserve in the US. If the plan moves forward, vehicles with “shakers” – diesel-powered equipment that sends tremors through the landscape – will be deployed along Alaska’s northern […]

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