In Moby-Dick, Herman Melville’s epic novel of 1851, the author asks if whales would survive the remorseless human hunt. Yes, he says, as he foresees a future flooded world in which the whale would outlive us and “spout his frothed defiance to the skies”. Moby Dick was a grizzled old sperm whale that had miraculously […]
Tag: southern right whale

One in 10 southern right whales alive in 1893 could have still been swimming today, study finds
In 1893, the World’s Fair was getting under way in Chicago, the world’s first number plates appeared on cars in Paris, and Archduke Franz Ferdinand, whose assassination would later spark the first world war, spent time hunting kangaroos and emus in the NSW town of Narromine. Also, according to researchers, up to 10% of southern […]

6 Exciting Ways To See More Wild Animals
Generally speaking, all animals are spectacular, but there’s just something special about the wild ones that words cannot describe properly. Maybe it’s the fact that we do not get to see them on a regular basis, hence coming face to face with them is a truly extraordinary experience. Unfortunately, the modern world hasn’t given its […]

Into the Sunset…
A Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis) slips quietly beneath the waves of the commingling waters of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans as the sun sets over the Cape Peninsula. Gansbaai, South Africa.

Bite Force
A Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharia) demonstrates his tremendous bite force as he feeds on a Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis) by consuming masses of the high-calorie whale fat. False Bay, Cape Town, South Africa.

Finding mammals in Sydney (Marine mammals)
One of the most exciting things that happens off Sydney coast is the Humpback whale migration. The whales migrate past Sydney twice a year. From April to mid August they are heading north to give birth and mate in the waters of the Coral Sea off Australia‘s northeast coast.From mid August to mid December the […]

The Right Stuff…
The Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis) has made a strong recovery since it’s initial protection from hunting in 1935. The population dropped sharply in the 1960s due to heavy illegal poaching (wiping out nearly half of its remaining numbers) but since that was stopped the population has exhibited a healthy upward trend. From an estimated […]