In the UK, throughout the autumn and winter, very high tides in the Wash give rise to one of natures’ wildlife spectacles. The Wash is a large rectangular bay on the East coast of England. Sometimes it’s referred to as the ‘Snettisham Spectacular’ or ‘ Wader Spectacular’. Undoubtable the best place to witness this is […]
Tag: Waders

Early Autumn Migration in Kuwait
Early August is the anticipated start of the annual Autumn migration when birds have completed their breeding season in Europe and both adult and juvenile birds start moving south to various parts of Africa for the second part of their endless summer. Kuwait is fortunate to be situated on two of the key migration flyways; […]

Little Stint (Calidris minuta)
Dette bilde er tatt på vest kysten av Norge. Jeg låg på en liten fohøynigen ut i en stor damm og fotograferte Dunlin. Little Stint kom flygende og landet så nært at jeg ikke fikk fokusert. Da måtte jeg krype ut i dammen. Jeg ble veldig våt men fikk et godt bilde.Data: EOS 1D MK […]

Saunders’s Gull (Chroicocephalus saundersi)
Yesterday morning I visited Daijyugarami for the first time this year. A little early for the rarer migrant waders, but there were plenty of Grey Plover, Red-necked Stint, Dunlin, Kentish Plover and Greater Sand Plover. There were also quite a few Black-faced Spoonbill slowly coming into breeding plumage, along with a sprinkling of Far Easter […]

Bilder er fra sørvest kysten av Norge. Disse strendene reiser jeg til flere ganger i året. Dette er et godt sted for å se waders / shorebirds på trekk .Data : EOS 1D MK III , 500mmL F4,0 IS , 1/800 , ISO 500 , F 4,5 , beanbag , Lightroom.

Dancing Sandhill Cranes Of Bosque del Apache, New Mexico
I recently returned from a photo shoot to Bosque del Apache and was in awe at the abundance of Sandhill Cranes. Having never seen them in Ohio (one of the many species on my state’s endangered list), I was truly amazed by this wading bird‘s courtship dance. The Sandhill Crane‘s dance includes jumping up to […]

Laem Pak Bia, another Bird-Photo Hotspot in Thailand! (1of 3)
Several hotspots in the Laem Pak Bia area, are worth to mention, as these produce great birding and bird-photos all year around At less than 2 hours driving from Bangkok, in Petchburi Province, Laem Pak Bia it’s a fishing town that offers some rich and unique birding opportunities with many waders, gulls and more in […]