Tangará gris (Orange-headed Tanager) Thlypopsis sordida

Tangará gris (Orange-headed Tanager) Thlypopsis sordida

De movimientos audaces y esquivos que hacen recordar a sus primos, los otros tangaráes, desafío inmenso para el fotógrafo en su afán de capturar su belleza, pero al mismo tiempo satisfacción del naturalista que lo sabe cerca, que lo sabe anidando a pocos kilómetros del denso de la ciudad.

Anide tranquilo amigo nuestro, porque a cambio del instante, del momento compartido con usted, resguardamos el dato de su nido…



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Tangará gris (Orange-headed Tanager) Thlypopsis sordida
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Tangará gris (Orange-headed Tanager) Thlypopsis sordida
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Tangará gris (Orange-headed Tanager) Thlypopsis sordida


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Marcelo Allende

Dedicated to bird photography as a hobby since 2010. In my blog I show some of the wealth of the country's most important area for bird watching in Argentina, only in my province there are 600 species of birds.


Marcelo Allende

Dedicated to bird photography as a hobby since 2010. In my blog I show some of the wealth of the country's most important area for bird watching in Argentina, only in my province there are 600 species of birds.

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