The Beauty of Snakes

The Beauty of Snakes

I realize that a lot of people will see the word “snakes” and bypass this post. But, I encourage folks to continue on in case you see something that may help you appreciate snakes just a little bit.

Besides the obvious facts about how important snakes are to the ecosystem, I think they can be appreciated for their beauty. Snakes come in all sorts of shapes and sizes with iridescent scales, brightly colored patterns, and remarkable abilities.

Tiger Rat Snake, Costa Rica:

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Green Tree Snake, Belize:

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Green Tree Snake Closeup

Black-skinned Parrot Snake, Ecuador:

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Black-skinned Parrot Snake

Orange-banded Snail Eater, Costa Rica

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Orange-banded Snail Eater

Boa Constrictor, Costa Rica:

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Boa Constrictor

Green Anaconda, Ecuador:

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Green Anaconda

The Anaconda is a fantastic snake. This juvenile was “only” 6 feet long. Even at that age, it was very thick and muscular. Can any birders in the group name the birds calling in the background of this video?

Cat-eyed Snake, Costa Rica:

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Cat-eyed Snake

Tropical Bird Eating Snake, Costa Rica:

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Neotropical Bird Eating Snake

Coral Snake, Belize:

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Coral Snake

Fer-de-Lance, Costa Rica:

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Fer-de-Lance (Terciopelo)

Yes, even this deadly Fer-de-lance is beautiful in it’s own right. I have seen a couple of these snakes and neither was aggressive towards me at all. They just wanted to coil up in peace and wait for prey to walk by.

Well, if you’ve made it this far into the post, then I figure you must like snakes at least a little bit. One of the things I like most about them is the way they move.

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Alan Dahl

Alan maintains a full time job in the software industry to fund his obsession for nature and wildlife photography. While he loves photographing all wildlife, mammals and herps are his favorites. If he could split his time between Yellowstone and Latin America, he would be a happy man.



Alan maintains a full time job in the software industry to fund his obsession for nature and wildlife photography. While he loves photographing all wildlife, mammals and herps are his favorites. If he could split his time between Yellowstone and Latin America, he would be a happy man.

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