Want to Completely Train Your Dog? Here’s a Helpful Step-by-Step Guide

Want to Completely Train Your Dog? Here’s a Helpful Step-by-Step Guide

When training your dog, consistency is key. You need to be consistent with what you teach your dog and how you teach them. This way, when your dog does something wrong, they will know what they are being told no to do because it has been repeated over and over again. Also, keep in mind that it takes time for dogs to learn certain things, and it is a long process. Have patience and don’t give up!

Start with a puppy

You want to start with a puppy that has not had too much exposure to the world. This means you’ll have to do a little work. Your new pomeranian hypoallergenic puppy will learn what it is okay for them to chew on and play with around the house, and what is not okay.

Most puppies naturally know how to potty outside by nature, but some do have accidents when first learning this skill. It’s important to take your puppy out every hour or two and put them in their preferred potty area.

It can also be helpful to keep your puppy on its leash when you are walking around your house, so they don’t get into anything they shouldn’t be. This way, they won’t build up frustration with trying to get to a certain area.

Before your puppy has learned everything they need to, you should keep the leash on them at all times, so they can’t get into any trouble. Once your dog has learned what its boundaries are, walks under supervision can be helpful for learning more about what is normal behavior and training for your dog.

If needed, use treats or praise to train

A good way to make sure you have a happy-to-please dog is by using treats as rewards when they do something good, such as sitting or lying down instead of jumping on people.

This will show them the right way to behave in different situations and help them learn fast where it is appropriate and inappropriate for certain actions.

Another great reward is praise! Most dogs love getting praised for a job well done.

Dog training gadgets

If treats don’t work for you, there are plenty of gadgets to choose from. Dog training collars can be helpful for new dogs that do not listen well yet or maybe have been trained already but need help following commands in everyday situations. They can also be used to train further and make sure your dog will follow all the rules when walking around with it off the leash.

There’s a wide variety out there including shock, sprayer, vibration, static shock, and even ones that vibrate at varying levels. Every trainer has their own opinion on what collar works best for them, so go through reviews online and figure out which is best suited for your situation.

Training sessions should be short and sweet

It’s important that you keep your training time short enough that your dog stays interested in what he or she is learning. Once you sense they start to lose interest, it’s best to quit the training session as soon as possible by giving them a treat. This will tell them that their work is complete, and they can rest afterward.

For example, if your dog doesn’t know how to sit but knows how to lay down after hearing the command, start out by saying “sit” close to them while they are in a laying position. If they don’t respond within 10 seconds of you saying the word “sit,” stop trying and see if they can lay down. If they don’t respond, bring out a treat and ask them to sit while you hold the treat in your hand. As soon as they sit, praise them and give him or her the treat. Repeat this process, making sure that it gets easier for them to do each time.

While training your dog at home can be helpful, most trainers agree it is best to take your dog into an actual class where there are more people with different dogs who can help you learn faster what type of reward system works best for your dog, whether it be treated or just praising him or her every time something good happens.

Some pointers on walk etiquette

An important thing for any owner is to make sure their puppy learns good manners when walking around on a leash. While dogs should never be allowed to pull on their leashes, they also need to learn that wandering around in front of people without greeting them is not cool either. If your dog tries to go past someone without stopping for petting or wagging his tail, it’s best to use the “come” command and ask him or her to return back next to you where they are supposed to be.

Another mistake new owners make is letting their dogs jump up on people when meeting them for the first time. The best way to prevent this from happening is by teaching your dog early while he or she still has no idea what this crazy thing called jumping is all about! When he jumps up at you saying hi, it can be easily remedied by using the “down” command and gently pushing him down to his spot.

Once your dog has been trained in basic obedience, it will be much easier for you to rely on him or her having manners during outings with family and friends alike!


All in all, training a dog is certainly hard work but once they are trained, well worth the effort! Having a good sense of what’s right and wrong from them is something that any owner wants when owning their puppy. All we can say now is have fun training your doggy because he or she will thank you later in life for staying strong while teaching them to be good dogs!

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