While looking for the Clouded leopard in Borneo, we came across the herd of Borneo Pygmy elephants in Deramakot Forest Reserve a few days in a row.
Unlike most pygmy elephants that would retreat at the first sight of a vehicle, this herd was very relaxed. They were happy to stay on the road and make us wait for them to wander off so we could pass.
Each time we came across the herd, one of the young females took the opportunity to practice her war dance moves on us. She began by bobbing her head up and down and flapping her ears.
Then she would start walking towards our truck dancing from one foot to the other and eventually turn 180 degrees and continue walking bum first, turning her bobbing head to see where she is going

She would reverse right up to our truck, stare at the driver through the windshield and then quickly walk away back towards the herd. The afternoon I took this footage, the youngster added an extra dimension of war dress to her routine by pulling a trunkful of grass from the roadside and depositing it on top of her head. Such a star performer.

Margarita Steinhardt
I am a wildlife ecologist by training but more of a naturalist by inclination. I have been photographing wildlife for a number of years, throughout my travels in Thailand, India, Africa, and Russia, as well as my life in Australia. What drives me is the excitement of a new destination and the new species to be discovered and photographed.
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