Passports, Please – Great Snipe

Passports, Please – Great Snipe

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Passports, Please – Great Snipe

Canon EOS 7D + Canon EF 300 f2.8L IS USM



Date Taken:


Boris Belchev

Boris Belchev was born on 3 August, 1985 in Pleven, Bulgaria (town in central north part of the country). Soon after he graduated from "Stoyan Zaimov" school in Pleven, where he specialized with Biology and German, he started a Bachelor in Biology in Sofia University. A year and a half into his studies, because of his passion for adventures and his childhood dream to become a wildlife photographer, he found himself in Denali National Park, Alaska. At present, he lives in Central Lithuania with his wife, Simona Belcheva, also a passionate photographer. Since 2014 he is bachelor in Ecology from Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania. In 2005 Boris joined the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) as a volunteer, and ever since he systematically observes and photographs birds, and takes part in monitoring projects. So far Boris has participated actively in two seasons of the CBM project , four seasons of MWWC (Mid-winter Waterfowl Count) and various others Nature Conservation Projects organized by BSPB and LOD. In 2009, Boris Belchev won the September Wild Wonders of Europe Online Photo Competition, and his photo was in the top 3 of the Grand final. Boris hopes that his photographs will contribute for the conservation of wildlife and Nature in Bulgaria and Lithuania.

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