At just 20 years old, Bhargsetu Sharma put her life on the line to save a drowning man, an act of bravery that earned her prestigious recognition, including the Governor’s Medal and the Raksha Mantri Prashasti. Now, at 27, her courage is channeled into a different cause – rescuing animals in need. Bhargsetu’s dedication to […]
Yellowstone National Park sued for plans to increase bison numbers
The state of Montana is suing the iconic Yellowstone National Park over its plan to increase the number of bison in and around the park. Loved by hikers and climbers alike, the 3,472 square-mile park wants to boost its sizeable bison population and increase tolerance for the animals leaving Yellowstone to roam around the surrounding […]
Five years, multiple deaths: what is happening at the home of the last captive whales in Canada?
On the southern shores of the Niagara River, a few hundred feet from the thundering falls, sits Marineland of Canada – an amusement park, zoo, aquarium and forest occupying nearly 1,000 acres of land (400 hectares). Over the years, millions of people have clamoured to view the park’s 4,000 animals, including its prized walruses, orcas, […]
33,000 Bucks Raised to Rebuild Deer Shelter for Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
From Alaska comes the story of a wildlife rehab center that got its hooves on a few bucks to help out their deer following a recent storm. On January 6th, 2025, a storm with winds exceeding 80 mph swept through the Portage Valley and destroyed the Sitka black-tailed deer shelter at Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center […]
Ecuador’s Coastal Ecosystems Have Rights, Constitutional Court Rules
The Constitutional Court of Ecuador has determined that coastal marine ecosystems have rights of nature, including the right to “integral respect for its existence and for the maintenance and regeneration of its life cycles, structure, functions and evolutionary processes,” per Chapter 7, Articles 71 to 74 in the country’s constitution. This is not the first […]
Fleeing mountain lions and scorched earth: can wildlife survive California’s wildfires?
Beth Pratt has spent her career protecting Los Angeles’ mountain lions, which roam an area currently engulfed by wildfires. These apex predators, also known as cougars or pumas, share a scrubby landscape with lavish private homes and a dense network of roads. When major fires take out huge areas of open space, their options are […]
Songbirds Have In-Flight ‘Conversations’ With Other Species During Migration, Study Shows
If you were a bird flying thousands of miles over land or sea with other migrating birds, what would you talk about to pass the time? Songbirds may converse with other species during their long migrations, forming social bonds and possibly exchanging information about the flight, according to a new study led by researchers at […]
Bangladesh sees first ever rewilding of captive-bred elongated tortoises
Two species of critically endangered tortoises were reintroduced to Bangladesh‘s forests last December. Six captive-bred elongated tortoises (Indotestudo elongata) were first released in Lawachara National Park in northeastern Bangladesh on Dec. 18. This was followed by the release of 10 Asian giant tortoises (Manouria emys phayrei) in Matamuhuri Reserve Forest in the Chittagong Hill Tracts […]