Petition: Demand Accountability for Man Who Shot and Killed 80+ Animals

Petition: Demand Accountability for Man Who Shot and Killed 80+ Animals

A horrifying event unfolded in Prunedale, California, as a local man unleashed a three-hour shooting spree killing 80 animals, including miniature horses, goats, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, ducks and birds. This devastating incident highlights a severe gap in our gun safety laws that fail to protect all lives – human and animal alike. While it’s […]

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As bears fatten up this fall and enter CT homes at record levels, wildlife officials urge caution

As bears fatten up this fall and enter CT homes at record levels, wildlife officials urge caution

Ah, fall in Connecticut. It’s a beautiful time of year: bright leaves and crisp air coalescing into the perfect backdrop for a season of harvest and, if you’re a hungry black bear, hyperphagia. Wait, hyper-what? “Hyperphagia” is science-speak for what wildlife officials more casually call the annual “power-eating marathon” of Connecticut’s black bears. And these […]

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