Yellowstone bison gores 83-year-old tourist, lifting her off the ground

Yellowstone bison gores 83-year-old tourist, lifting her off the ground

An 83-year-old woman has been seriously injured in Yellowstone National Park after being gored by a bison that was “defending its space,” park officials say.

The tourist from Greenville, South Carolina, was targeted by the bison on June 1 near the Storm Point Trail at Yellowstone Lake in Wyoming, according to the National Park Service.

“The bison, defending its space, came within a few feet of the woman and lifted her about a foot off the ground with its horns,” the NPS said in a statement. “The woman sustained serious injuries.”

She was then taken to a hospital in Idaho by helicopter. The incident remains under investigation, officials added.

Visitors watch bison and their newborns as they cross the road in Yellowstone National Park in June 2021. A tourist was gored at Yellowstone on Saturday, June 1, park officials say. (William Campbell/Getty Images)
Visitors watch bison and their newborns as they cross the road in Yellowstone National Park in June 2021. A tourist was gored at Yellowstone on Saturday, June 1, park officials say. (William Campbell/Getty Images)

The NPS says bison, although they “are not aggressive animals,” will “defend their space when threatened” and “have injured more people in Yellowstone than any other animal.”

“They are unpredictable and can run three times faster than humans,” according to the NPS.

“It is your responsibility to stay more than 25 yards away from all large animals – bison, elk, bighorn sheep, deer, moose, and coyotes – and at least 100 yards away from bears and wolves,” it also said. “If need be, move or turn around and go the other way to avoid interacting with a wild animal in close proximity.”

Last month, an Idaho man was arrested after allegedly kicking a Yellowstone bison in the leg while drunk, park officials said at the time.

Clarence Yoder, 40, of Idaho Falls, ended up injuring himself in the incident that happened near the park’s West Entrance on April 21.

“Rangers responded to the area after receiving a report of an individual who harassed a herd of bison and kicked a bison in the leg,” the NPS said in a statement. “They located the suspect’s vehicle near the West Entrance and stopped it in the town of West Yellowstone, Montana.”

“Yoder was arrested and charged with 1) being under the influence of alcohol to a degree that may endanger oneself, 2) disorderly conduct as to create or maintain a hazardous condition, 3) approaching wildlife, and 4) disturbing wildlife,” park officials added.

An Idaho man was recently injured after kicking a bison at Yellowstone National Park, officials say. (NPS/Jacob W. Frank)
An Idaho man was recently injured after kicking a bison at Yellowstone National Park, officials say. (NPS/Jacob W. Frank)

This article by Greg Norman was first published by Fox News on 4 June 2024. Lead Image: Yellowstone requires people to keep at least 25 yards away from all large animals, including bison. Daniel Swaim / Getty Images file

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