A Bear Killed and Ate an Elderly Woman in Her Home. It’s the First Fatal Black Bear Attack in California’s History

A Bear Killed and Ate an Elderly Woman in Her Home. It’s the First Fatal Black Bear Attack in California’s History

More than six months after the death of an elderly woman, California officials are finally shedding some light on what they say is the first confirmed fatal black bear attack in state history. The November attack took place in Downieville and involved 71-year-old Patrice Miller, who was mauled to death in her own home, according […]

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Iberian Lynx Slinks Back From Brink of Extinction Within Just Two Decades of Conservation

Iberian Lynx Slinks Back From Brink of Extinction Within Just Two Decades of Conservation

The greatest feline conservation success story isn’t the doubling of the world tiger population, nor the rescues of the Amur tiger and Northern lion from falling into the abyss of biological history—it’s the comeback of a lynx species on the Iberian Peninsula. This scrawny, mottled cat with characteristic pointed ears and tufts of fur all […]

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One of the World’s Oldest Penguins Hatches a Chick with New Boy Toy 26 Years Younger

One of the World’s Oldest Penguins Hatches a Chick with New Boy Toy 26 Years Younger

A great-great-great grandmother Humboldt pengiun in England’s blustery eastern coast has brought a member of yet another generation into the world after she shacked up with a bird 20-plus years her junior. Windy surprised everyone at the zoo when during the last breeding season she paired with 4-year-old Nacho. A pairing doesn’t guarantee that mating […]

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