The transition from one season to the next at the Bird Sanctuary in Killingworth, Connecticut, might be as evident due to changes in the weather as to changes in wildlife seen and its behavior.
The calls of peepers are a distant memory as a very infrequent croaking of a frog is heard in the early Summer. On a rainy morning in early July, the extremely eerie call of a beast could be heard in the woods that I’ve concluded to be a Fisher Cat.
If you would like to hear my recording of the creature, contact me via the email gadget and I will send you the audio file.

The Black-and-white Warbler above (image 1) was photographed at Casa Almeida in May 2017.
The Gray Catbird above (image 2) was photographed at Casa Almeida in May 2017.
The Pileated Woodpecker nest cavity attempts above (image 3) was photographed at Casa Almeida in May 2017.
The Common Raven above (image 4) was photographed at Casa Almeida in May 2017.
The Chipping Sparrow above (image 5) was photographed at Casa Almeida in May 2017.
The Black-capped Chickadee above (image 6) was photographed at Casa Almeida in May 2017.
The Blackburnian Warbler above (image 7) was photographed at Casa Almeida in May 2017.
The Eastern Wood-Pewee above (image 8) was photographed at Casa Almeida in May 2017.
The Cedar Waxwing above (image 9) was photographed at Casa Almeida in May 2017.
The Purple Sensation Allium above (image 10) was photographed at Casa Almeida in May 2017.
Birdlife at the Sanctuary at Casa Almeida has offered the loss of species seen with regularity to arrivals otherwise not seen earlier in the year. A keen eye was required to see the likes of Blackburnian Warbler, Cedar Waxwing, Eastern Wood-Pewee and Great Crested Flycatcher.
The iris above (image 11) was photographed at Casa Almeida in May 2017.
The Lena’s Broom with Gypsy Moth caterpillar above (image 12) was photographed at Casa Almeida in May 2017.
The Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly above (image 13) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The “Threatened” Tiger Spiketail Dragonfly above (image 14) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The Great Crested Flycatcher above (image 15) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The Northern Cardinal above (image 16) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The defoliated tree above (image 17) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The juvenile Eastern Bluebird above (image 18) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The Brown-headed Cowbird above (image 19) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The Northern Cardinal above (image 20) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
While it was my intention to conclude this Killingworth series with this article, I will carry it at least one further with nearly a thousand images captured in the Bird Sanctuary that have yet to be reviewed. In this post I add Common Raven as my 318th bird species photographed.
The Ruby-throated Hummingbird above (image 21) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The garden statue above (image 22) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The plant life above (image 23) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The Northern Cardinal above (image 24) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The juvenile House Finch above (image 26) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The Black Oil Sunflower above (image 27) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The American Goldfinch above (image 28) was photographed at Casa Almeida in June 2017.
The juvenile Blue Jay above (image 29) was photographed at Casa Almeida in July 2017.
The juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk above (image 30) was photographed at Casa Almeida in July 2017.
The Common Grackle with juvenile above (image 31) was photographed at Casa Almeida in July 2017.
Please be sure to be reminded about this Wildlife Blog with the email gadget located at the top of the page.
The Red-shouldered Hawk above (image 32) was photographed at Casa Almeida in July 2017.
The Mourning Dove above (image 33) was photographed at Casa Almeida in July 2017.

Bob Pelkey
This blog is updated every Friday (preferably) and randomly, primarily on the subject of wildlife observation in the state of Florida. This blog is in conjunction with my secondary photo site at
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