A Morning’s Birding in January

A Morning’s Birding in January

Black Stork ad 8033

First of all a Happy New Year to all my readers!We were away for quite a while this holiday period and I was in need of some birding at my local patch, La Janda. Every month of the year there is continual migration through our area and change is apparent almost on a weekly basis.The farmers are still ploughing, or should I say ‘mashing’ the rice-fields which attracts thousands of White Stork, Cattle Egret, Black-headed Gull and Grey Heron. Other species of note are Yellow-legged Gull, Audouin’s Gull, Little Egret, Great Bittern, , Moorhen, Black Stork, Eurasian Spoonbill, Meadow Pipit, White Wagtail, Spanish Sparrow, Greenfinch, Serin, Goldfinch , Linnet, , , Reed Bunting, Corn Bunting, Northern Lapwing, Golden Plover and Short-eared Owl.

Bar tailed Godwit winter 7843
Bar-tailed Godwit

You can find Black-tailed Godwits with Snipe, Green Sandpiper, Redshank and Greenshank but Bar-tailed Godwits are not so common. Sometimes you get one that may be sick or injured.

Black crowned Night Heron juv 7797
Black-crowned Night Heron

These lovely herons are mainly nocturnal but a few juveniles like the one above are roosting along the canal banks and are pretty easy to see.

Black winged Kite 6703

Black-winged Kites were plentiful yesterday with over ten birds seen without too much effort.

Bluethroat 7060

Bluethroats?…Hmm…Skulking, hiding, slinking about in the undergrowth along the rice-field edges and canal banks are many wintering Bluethroats. If you want to see them, you need a lot of patience or good luck!

Bonelli's Eagle juv 4087
Bonelli’s Eagle

Keep looking up! There are two juvenile Bonelli’s Eagles around La Janda at present. Neither have been tagged or ringed and again with patience and luck you can get reasonable views. Here’s one that showed off above my head…

Booted Eagle w3037

I saw a few distant Booted Eagles as well and here are a few shots of two different birds that are of the lighter and more common form.

Booted Eagle light form 5938
Booted Eagle

Common Cranes 8484
Common Cranes

There were no so many Common Cranes around but then again they do move to different areas through La Janda as well as across to the Coto Doñana and beyond.

Chiffchaff 1585

We have a few Chiffchaffs wintering with us and this little chap has been roosting in our Yellow Tacoma bush which is in a sheltered and sunny spot at our outside staircase. The bird has a tumour on it’s foot but what caused it or what the outcome will be isn’t clear. It seems to be feeding very well and look otherwise in good condition.

Chiffchaff 3596

This was one of the La Janda Chiffchaffs of which there are thousands!

Dartford Warbler 4925

Dartford Warbler 4928
Dartford Warbler

Dartford Warbler 4932
Dartford Warbler

Dartford Warbler 4936
Dartford Warbler

Not such a common bird to see and also another skulker is the Dartford Warbler

Hen Harrier adm w1607
Hen Harrier

I took this shot yesterday of lovely male Hen Harrier. He was hunting along the main collector canal some distance away and I waited until he passed by. It’s always difficult taking a flight shot against a complicated background but I was fortunate to capture the bird which show an verydistinct dark trailing edge on the underwing,certainlybroader than normal.

Grey Heron 7693
Grey Heron

La Janda Benalup 8763
Near Benalup

Marsh Harrier juv w5105

Marsh Harrier juv w5104
Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier juv w5106
Marsh Harrier

Penduline Tit 3564
Penduline Tit

Penduline Tits can give away their presence in thereed beds by their plaintive high pitched contact call. During winter you can find them in small groups feeding on the Phragmites or Bullrushes seed heads.

Purple Swamphen 8104
Purple Swamphen

Purple Swamphen ad flight 8124
Purple Swamphen

This was just to show you that the Blue Chicken can indeed fly!

Sardinian Warbler adm 7773
Sardinian Warbler

Sardinian Warblers are a fairlycommon resident sylvia warbler with Blackcaps and Dartford being the only other non migrating sylvia warblers we have here. Of course we do have lots of Blackcaps from the North that join our local birds during winter.

Short eared Owl ww8083
Short-eared Owl

Now is the best time to come and watch these lovely wintering birds.

Short toed Eagle w7992

Our local pair have been calling yesterday. At first their call can be dismissed as a gull call but they are starting to bond and flying around and calling to each other will increase over the coming weeks.

Wind Turbines 7339
Wind turbines in the mist

It looks an atmospheric photo but they still kill birds and are sited much too close together in such a sensitive area.

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Stephen Daly

Stephen Daly

Stephen Daly, has been birding since he was eight years old in his native Scotland. After living in Germany and France he established Andalucian Guides the successful birding and wildlife tour company on The Strait of Gibraltar in Spain and has been living here since 2001. Photographing birds in flight is one passion and his photos can be found in many books, magazines and journals. Studying bird behaviour and bird migration are two other positive aspects of being based on one of the busiest migration routes on Earth.

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