I was developing a research project on Grey Partridge a number of years ago and part of the experimental aspect of the work involved releasing pen reared birds on what appeared to be suitable farmland habitat. I identified with a farmer in Kildare, Ireland, who had a great love of Partridge. He vividly recounted where […]
Author: Brendan

Man’s attitude to nature
I was in a farm recently with a friend of mine and we were approached by the manager regarding some feral dogs which were becoming a nuisance. There were many sheep in open pens on the farm and it was the lambing season. The manager asked if we could ‘remove’ the animals as they were […]

Harness the natural curiosity of children
As the world human population tops 7 billion individuals currently alive, the threats to the global environment have never been greater. The natural world as we know it is unlikely to survive in its existing condition for much longer. We have all heard of the Rio Summits and the attempts to address biodiversity loss going […]

Spring Bird Migration
For many people the world over, spring migration with the return of our summer songsters is an exciting time of year. The first swallow or cuckoo heralds in the summer and floods our thoughts with summer haze and the smell of wildflowers. When I lived in Ireland March was typically cold and wet and summer […]