How embarrassing. I am still here, sort of. Been out at a really remote field site the last couple months and am venturing (somewhat unwillingly and very awkwardly) back into society at the moment. I had my first real shower in two months just yesterday- HA! I’m a huge dirtball and I just don’t care. […]
Author: Jill Wussow

If you love me, why am I dying?
Hey there, people-friends. I’ve been on the road, on the go, since early September. Before that, since February, I was out in the boonies running after sage-grouse. So that’s my excuse for the lack of posts. I’ve been wandering around Nevada, Wyoming, Utah, eastern California, Idaho, and now I’m hunkered down in New Mexico for […]

Daily Dose of PIKA
Ohhh. I guess I may have scared some people off with my last few rants about Malheur and grazing, huh? Guess that’s what happens when you give a damn. “Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul” my friends. Passion, it’s healthy. Truth and justice, I like it. (Below: the tiniest pika I’ve seen […]

I hope those Malheur terrorists choke on a cheeto.
Buuuuurds! I took some pictures of them – weird! I realized I hadn’t put up any bird photos in a while, which is absurd and sad, a little ridiculous and totally uncalled for. I also said I’d try to blog it up a little more this year. Lookit me try! So, here’s some friends I […]

I said I would and I did.
I promised you pikas years ago. Maybe it was months ago, it’s all running together now. But, alas, here they are. Behold the Pika Cute, Cute Pika. If you don’t think they are one of the most adorable goofballs you have ever seen, please exit my page and my life right now. These guys make […]

Why yes, I do wear my heart on my sleeve, yes.
Yeee Owls in yer face. I didn’t get scalped while taking these photos, don’t worry. Oh, you weren’t worried? I didn’t think so, really. Good for you. I sort of got a little obsessed with this nest because it was in one of the few trees in the area (sagebrush sea) and I was pretty […]

End of the Season Blues
Birds? I still like ’em, I still take pictures of them. I am now back in civilization, society. There are 2 positive things about this: The internet, and my cats have a house to run around in again, not a wee trailer. I’m already feeling clausterphobic after less than 24 hours though. Oh boy, not […]

Red in Tooth and Claw
They’re pretty cute right? American badgers? Lookit those cute little dirty faces. So innocent, so sweet. Or not. The first time I saw the male, he was running along with a rabbit he had just killed. Well yeah, nature. Gotta eat, gotta feed those baby badgers. Watched him head to his burrow and then got […]